I am a visiting student at Professor Antonio Adamo's Stem Cells and Disease laboratory at Kaust University in Saudi Arabia. I chose to apply for this internship at KAUST not only for the scientific environment but also because I felt fascinated by such an advanced and multinational campus. I believe it is a great opportunity to know people from different cultures, respecting with tolerance customs and habits from the world. Research is my passion, but beyond that, I am a sociable person, I love being in contact with people, exchanging ideas, and spending my free time with my family and friends. I love to travel and take long walks in the middle of nature … after all I was born in the green heart of Italy.
Research Interests
I am interested in the use of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) for the derivation of highly efficient differentiation protocols towards meso-and endodermal derivatives. In particular, I will learn how to culture and differentiate hESCs using the most advanced in vitro protocols and will apply a CRISPR-CAS9 genome editing method (virus-free and integration-free) to assess the role played by the histone modifiers in the maintenance of human pluripotency and regulation of early differentiation.